The maximum cap based on mobilization (125 divisions at early, 200 at war, etc) creates a situation where 2 nations that are radically different economically may have the same maximum number of divisions (Russia and Germany might have 400+ factories where Spain might only have 100-200, but they'll have the same limit.). Furthermore, the number of divisions isn't an overall measure of military power but rather number of battalions.Įxplain the reasoning behind this change: The division cap based on mobilization should be removed, and replaced with a cap based on something like number of military factories, the tax system in millennium dawn, or a system where you can assign factories to an administrative bureau. Kaiserreich version: 0.14.2a 'The Duke and the Hertzog' If the state falls short of the 250,000 additional people it needs to get vaccinated to reach the 90% target, additional pandemic measures will be required on the date it reopens, McGowan said.HOI4 version: Not sure, but it's as modern as possible, and Battle of the Bosporus just came out “The difference in easing border controls at 90% rather than 80% is 200 West Australian lives are saved,” McGowan said. Government modeling showed that reopening that state at the 90% vaccination benchmark rather than 80% would mean COVID-19 cases occupying 70% fewer hospital beds, 75% few intensive care beds and 63% fewer deaths, McGowan said. “But if that’s what is required to protect the local community and local industries, then we will take that step based on the health advice at the time,” he added. “Cutting off the Pilbara, or any region for that matter, is not something I want to do,” McGowan said. Such areas include the Pilbara region where the nation’s lucrative iron ore mining operations are based. McGowan said parts of the state could be isolated by intrastate borders if their vaccination rates continued to lag.