Interrogation on the Leviathan (male Revan). Knights of the Old Republic Part 58: Painless Interrogation Gracker. We crack the Sith spy and decrypt the Sith passcode. I haven’t been upgrading that skill so i’ve brought up a droid with me to get him shine his computer skill rank 10 on that frigging. Seems that walkthrough via the LIght side needs having a computer skill to get the prisoner into coma. Hello Dears! II had a severe buttheart with the Mandalorian prisoner by the Weapon Cache side quest inside the Sith base on Korriban. In the coffin, as you will find, is a Vibrosword, a Silver Lined Sword, and a Notched Steel Sword. Then, go on through the door and approach the door on the ground in front of you, which covers up a Sith Coffin. Go down this slanting corridor and disable the Flash Mine at the bottom of the corridor before the door. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic part 86 prisoner interrogation Exposing Sith Spy On Corellia Using Jaesa Lets Play Knights of the Old Republic Part 57 Prisoner Interrogation. 4 years ago First you have to begin about Spoiler and select the first option (friendly) after that begin the persuade\intimidate option and he’ll begin to crack then the third option and begin to talk to him about his friend,same choices in the end,be friendly then intimidate him that’s how i got him to talk.After that, I just always raided the sith bay to get into the their base. How do I interogate that Sith, imprisoned in the Republic base on Manaan successfully? A long long time ago, I was able to get the information from him once by accident. When the interrogation begins, you will be presented with a set of responses to select between for each question. Use your Persuasion options to interrogate him. Speak to the man at the front desk in the embassy to get access to the Sith spy being held. Head to the Republic embassy on the planet Manaan. Video taken from the channel: TheArcaneWizīegin the interrogation of the Sith prisoner.